Once you have had a new email address created for you by a team member then you will be given a list of information that will look like this:
You can either log into your webmail by going to yourdomain/webmail or you can follow the instruction below to add it your device.
  1. Open the Settings application.
  3. Scroll to Accounts & Passwords.
  6. Click on Add Account.
  9. Select Other
  12. Select Add Mail Account

    You will now need to enter the account details for the email address you wish to add




    Enter the information as follows:


    Name: This is the name that will appear to your recipients when you send out email (you can set this as your business name or your own name).
    Email: This should be the new email address e.g [email protected]
    Password: This will be the password that has been set up for you.
    Description: How this email address will appear to you within the Mail app.
    Click Next.
  14. You will now be asked to provide some further details
  16. .
  18. Enter the information as follows:

  19. IMAP/POP: Select IMAP from the toggles at the top.
    Name: This is the name that will appear to your recipients when you send out email.
    Email: This should be the full email address you created in cPanel.
    Description: How this email address will appear to you within the Mail app.
    Under Incoming Mail Server enter the information as follows:
    Host Name: This should be set to either mail.yourdomain your Home Server name.
    Username: This should be the full email address you created in cPanel.
    Password: This will be the password you set for that email address.
    Under Outgoing Mail Server enter the information as follows:
    Host Name: This will be the same as the Incoming Mail Server Host Name.
    Username: This will be your email address.
    Password: This will be the password you set for that email address.
    Click Next.
  20. For email to work Mail must be turned on.
  23. It is at your discretion whether you would like Notes you create in the Notes.app to store on our server or not. Typically most iOS users employ iCloud for this so leave it switched off unless you specifically require this feature.

  24. Click Save.
  25. The email account has now added. However there are still some additional settings to check. Tap on the newly created email account.
  28. Under IMAP, tap the email address.

    Tap the line titled SMTP.



    Tap the Primary Server record.



    Ensure the following details are correct:


    Server: On
    Use SSL: On
    Authentication: Password
    Server Port: 587
    Tap Done (top right).
    Tap Accountat the top left.


    Now tap Advanced.


    Scroll down to the bottom of this screen. Ensure the following details are correct:


    Use SSL: On
    Authentication: Password
    IMAP Path Prefix: INBOX
    Server Port: 993
    Click Account to return to the previous screen at the top left.
    Click Done(top right).



Your account should now be added and available in the Mail app.

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