If you are having issues with the contact form on your website then this can be caused by a variety of issues.
Troubleshoot the issue.
Before training a ticket, please be sure to try and send a test ticket yourself using a separate email address. If you do not get the email then please check your spam/junk folder.
Spam or Junk folder?
If you have access to your website then you can see if the correct email is in the settings. However, if you do not then you can raise a ticket and we take a look for you.
Do you have a SPF record on your email?
An SPF record in your domain DNS settings can dramatically reduce spam and this can often be the cause of missing emails. Check with your web master to see if they have set that up for you on your emails.
If none of the above has resolved the issue.
If the above has not helped then I would suggest raising a ticket with us so that we can look into the issue for you and make a changes that may be needed in order to rectify the issue.
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